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  • What is Breast Augmentation Surgery?

What is Breast Augmentation Surgery?

  • Neodyne
  • January 28, 2022

There are many reasons why someone would get breast augmentation surgery. Breast augmentation surgery can increase the fullness of your breasts and help you feel more confident. It can be done to improve the balance of your breasts and make your body look more proportionate. It can also be done to improve the overall appearance of your breasts after childbirth or weight loss.

People get breast augmentation surgery for a myriad of reasons. Breast augmentation is actually the most common kind of cosmetic surgery in the United States. In 2018, more than 310,000 women had their breasts augmented.

Even though breast augmentation surgery is common, it's still a major procedure that you should be sure is the right choice for you. Before undergoing any type of surgery, it's important to do thorough research so that you know what's in store before, during, and after the procedure.

So, what is breast augmentation? In this blog post, we'll be discussing what breast augmentation surgery is, what the recovery looks like, how much it will cost, and more. So before you go ahead and start imagining yourself with enhanced boobs, read this post so you can have a better understanding of what you're in for with breast augmentation surgery.

Explanation of Breast Augmentation Surgery

So, what is breast augmentation surgery? Below, we're going to get into breast augmentation meaning, what the procedure entails, what the recovery looks like, and if there are any risks involved.

Image of woman with bandaged breasts after breast augmentation

What does breast augmentation do?

Breast augmentation surgery is essentially a surgery to increase breast size. Some of the main reasons why people get breast augmentation surgery include:

It improves the appearance of your breasts if you don't like the size or shape It makes your body look more symmetrical It enhances the appearance of your breasts after pregnancy or significant weight loss It corrects uneven breasts if you've had a mastectomy It makes your breasts look more even if one of your boobs is bigger than the other

Overall, the ultimate goal of breast augmentation surgery is to help you feel more confident in your body. If you feel like your confidence is lacking due to insecurities about your breasts, enhancing your boob size might just be the best solution for you.


So now that you know what the meaning of breast augmentation is, next we'll discuss what the procedure actually entails. Getting a breast augmentation is a serious surgery, so it's important that you have a firm understanding of what will actually be happening during the procedure. This is definitely something you should discuss with your surgeon prior so you can feel secure and at ease walking into that surgical room.

The surgical procedure essentially involves putting breast implants under your chest muscles or behind your breast tissue. A breast implant is a flexible sac that's filled with either saline or silicone. Whether you choose saline or silicone is up to you, but many women report that silicone implants feel more similar to real breasts than saline. However, silicone is more dangerous if it leaks, which is important to take into consideration when choosing a type of implant. Both silicone and saline are available in various sizes.

Your surgeon should work with you to pick the best type of implant for you. The type of implant you choose ultimately depends on your personal preferences about size, feel, and appearance. In addition to choosing between saline or silicone, breast implants can also either be smooth or textured and round or teardrop-shaped. These are all important decisions to make so that you can rest assured that you'll feel happy with your final results. Take your time when making these decisions and consult with your doctor about any questions you may have.

When it comes to the actual procedure, you will either receive general or local anesthesia. General anesthesia is the more common choice as you'll be asleep throughout the entire surgery and it'll be pain-free. With local anesthesia, you will be awake and your breasts will be numbed to block out the pain.

There are a couple of different options when it comes to actually inserting the breast implants. A surgeon can insert the breast implant in one of four ways: under the breast, through the armpit, around the nipple, or through the belly button. We'll get into what each of these techniques entails below:

Under the breast

Under the breast is the most common choice in the United States. During this procedure, a surgeon will make an incision in the crease under the breast. The surgeon will then insert the implant through this opening.

If this is done correctly by an experienced surgeon, the scar can usually be easily hidden underneath the breasts or with a bra or bikini. This insertion technique also completely avoids the milk ducts, so it's a good option for women who want to breastfeed down the road. The downside of this technique is that the scar may stretch after surgery. It's also not ideal for women with naturally very small breasts as this makes it more difficult for surgeons to hide the incision in the crease under the breast.

Through the armpit

Through the armpit is another insertion option. In this method, a surgeon places the implants through a cut under your armpit. This is done with an endoscope, which is a tool that has a camera and a surgical instrument attached at the end.

The upside of this technique is that it essentially leaves your breasts untouched so there will be no visible scarring on your boobs. This also makes it a great choice for women who want to breastfeed as it doesn't interfere with your nipples. However, the downside is that it can be difficult for a surgeon to position the implant properly. It will also leave a visible scar under your armpit.

Around the nipple

With this technique, a surgeon will make an incision around the edge of your areola, usually on the lower half. The breast implant will then be inserted through this opening and positioned by the surgeon.

The scar with this technique is much less visible and the incision can easily be reopened if the patient wants to make any more enhancements later in life. However, there is a chance that this insertion technique interferes with your ability to breastfeed. There is also an increased risk of loss of sensation around the nipple.

Through the belly button

With this method, an implant is inserted through an incision around your belly button. A surgeon will use surgical tools to create a tunnel through the abdomen up to the breasts. Saline breast implants can only be used with this method.

This is another good option for women who want the option to breastfeed as it leaves the breasts untouched. Scarring is also much less noticeable. However, the downside is that there is more of a risk of implant distortion with this technique as the incision is made further away from the breasts, which leaves the surgeon with less control.

What insertion method your surgeon chooses also depends on if you think you'll want to get your boobs enhanced again later down the road. For example, if your incision point is at your belly button, it's very difficult for a surgeon to reopen the incision and make any future changes. However, if your incision point is under your breasts or around the nipple, it's much easier for a surgeon to reopen the incision point and perform additional surgeries.

Regardless of the insertion technique that you choose, you will have scars. Breast augmentation scars are inevitable, but the location and appearance of the scars differ depending on how the surgeon inserts the implants. There are pros and cons to each insertion technique, so be sure to discuss them with your surgeon so you can make the best choice for you.


Recovery looks different for everyone. The intensity and duration of your recovery period depends on various factors, such as the type of implant you choose, the size of the implant, and the insertion technique. Your breasts will likely be sore and swollen for a few weeks after surgery. You'll also likely have to wear either a compression bandage or a sport's bra to provide extra support while you heal and improve the positioning of the implants.

It's crucial to take things slowly during the healing process. Even though you might feel fine, that doesn't mean you can just immediately go back to your regular activities. It might be some time before you can go back to the gym and get your heart rate pumping. You should avoid strenuous activities for at least two weeks after surgery. This ensures that your breasts will heal optimally. If you start to notice warmth in your breasts or develop a fever, contact your surgeon immediately.

Overall, it's safe to assume that you'll need a couple of weeks to properly heal after surgery, so you'll likely have to take some time off of work. This is an important factor to take into consideration with the timeline of your surgery. You'll need to discuss with your employer about taking time off or working from home. It's crucial to prioritize your healing process so that you can stay healthy and get the best results possible.

Although you might be eager to see the results of your breast augmentation as soon as you leave the hospital, remember that healing takes time. It can take up to three months to see the final results of your surgery. Your breasts will likely sit higher on your chest right after the surgery due to swelling, so don't panic if you wake up the morning after surgery with way perkier boobs than you intended. They will drop gradually and begin to look more natural with time.


Getting breast augmentation surgery poses various risks, so it's important to be aware of these prior to getting the procedure. Some of the possible risks associated with breast augmentation surgery include:

  • Pain in breasts
  • Infection
  • Loss of sensation in nipples
  • Implant leakage or rupture
  • Improper positioning of the implant
  • Anesthesia risks
  • Poor scarring
  • Can impact lactation

You should discuss all of these, in addition to any other concerns you may have, with your surgeon. Understanding the risks is imperative so that you can be aware of possible side effects that may happen after surgery. You should never go into surgery blindly. Talk to your surgeon and conduct enough research so that you're aware of any possible risks or side effects.

Image of plastic surgeon holding breast implants

What is the Difference Between Breast Augmentation and Breast Implants?

You've probably heard the phrases “breast augmentation” and “breast implants” used separately, and wondered: is there a difference between breast augmentation vs. implants?

The two phrases essentially mean the same thing. The only difference is that breast augmentation is the actual procedure to enhance boob size, while breast implants are just the mechanism used. Both cosmetic surgeries entail the same process of inserting either silicone or saline into the breast to improve the size or shape.

A breast lift, on the other hand, is a little bit different. A breast lift doesn't require implants and is a surgical procedure that's done to lift and tighten breasts. A breast lift doesn't enhance the size or fullness of the breasts, and instead just lifts the breast tissue. Breast lifts are ideal for women who want to restore the natural perkiness of their boobs and improve the sagging that occurs with age or pregnancy.

A breast lift is a less invasive surgery than a breast augmentation and looks a lot more natural and subtle. But if you want to increase the actual size and volume of your breasts, breast augmentation is the only way to do so. Many women opt to get both a breast lift and augmentation done at the same time to achieve their ideal final look. Although it's a less invasive surgery, you will still be left with breast lift scars. You'll need at least two weeks to heal from either procedure and will have scarring from both.

Which procedure is right for me?

Which procedure you choose ultimately depends on how you want your breasts to look. There are few other factors you should take into consideration when choosing which procedure is right for you, such as:

  • Your desired results
    • If you want your breasts to look more youthful and perky, get a breast lift. If you want your breasts to be bigger, you need to get breast augmentation surgery.
  • Possible risks
    • Breast augmentation has a risk of implant leakage, which can pose a serious health concern if the implant is filled with silicone. There is also a risk of losing sensation in your nipple with breast augmentation.
  • Your medical background
    • You have to be in good health prior to the surgery and stop smoking, drinking, or taking certain medications in the weeks leading up to either procedure.

In order to qualify for any type of breast enhancement surgery, you need to be in overall good health and meet the minimum age requirements. You have to be at least 18 to get saline breast implants, and 22 to get silicone breast implants.

How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of breast augmentation surgery is $4,516. However, there are various other factors that can impact the overall cost. Some of these factors include:

  • Type of implant- Whether you choose silicone or saline implants
  • Surgeon- How long they've been a plastic surgeon for and what their specialty is
  • Anesthesiologist fee- What their training and experience is
  • Recovery expenses- This includes post-surgery garments and follow up appointments
  • The location of where you get the surgery- The cost of breast augmentation surgery differs from city to city
  • Additional hospital or surgical facility fees
  • Medical test fees

It's also important to note that most health insurance plans will not cover breast augmentation surgery. This is because it's not considered medically necessary and is simply a cosmetic procedure. These costs can add up, so make sure you can afford the overall cost of the procedure, in addition to the recovery expenses and any other hidden charges.

When choosing a surgeon for your procedure, you're always better off opting for a more experienced one, even though it will likely be more expensive. The more experienced a plastic surgeon is, the better your results will be.

Image showing plastic surgery consultation

Final Notes

You can exercise and eat healthy to lose weight and attain your ideal body, but there's nothing you can really do to increase the size of your breasts. If you're tired of looking in the mirror and feeling insecure about the size or shape of your breasts, getting breast augmentation surgery might just be the right choice for you. Long gone are the days of having to put on a push-up bra every morning, breast augmentation surgery will have you feeling confident and secure in your body and breasts in no time.

Scarring is inevitable no matter what type of procedure you choose, but don't let the fear of scars stop you from getting your breasts done if it's what you truly want. There are various ways to improve the appearance of scars after surgery, like with embrace® scar therapy. embrace® scar therapy is an easy and effective way to enhance the results of your plastic surgery procedure, so you can feel confident in your body as quickly as possible.

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